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Friday, 5 January 2018

MUSIC VIDEO: Zed Ay Kay Feat. FOKN Bois - We No Know

Disenchanted, disgruntled and despondent. A feeling the majority of today's artist can be identified with. But then again what do you do about it? Who do you go to for advice? The FOKN Bois of course!

'We No Know' is yet another single from fast rising star, Zed Ay Kay and features FOKN Bois (Wanlov the Kubolor and M3NSA). Programmed by UK based producer, Candy, the song addresses the hustles upcoming artists go through to get recognition from other industry players.

In Ghana, all you need to steal the ears of most listeners is creating hype, ''investing'' in radio play and making commercial or danceable songs whether they make sense or not. It's obvious talent or good music content isn’t appreciated in Ghana; and this have kept most young artists at a stagnant level. They never get heard even though their music could make emotional impacts on the listener. Zed Ay Kay might have spoken from personal experience and FOKN Bois being advocates to a better music system in Ghana, shared their views as well.

This is the truth, a song we need to listen to, drive us to change our perception about ''up and coming'' artists and value their talents before they get accepted somewhere else.

''This is more of a listening song'' and he also calls it ''an anthem for all up and coming artist'', expresses Zed Ay Kay.

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