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Friday, 7 November 2014

NEWS: Have drugs ruined Eminem's looks? Former addict appears gaunt and haggard as he speaks at an awards show

Haggard: Eminem spoke at the Wall Street Journal's Innovator Of The Year awards in New York on Wednesday.

While dressed in his usual uniform of black with a beanie, the lines and prominent veins in Eminem's pallid face were clearly visible. 

Eminem's drug abuse started during the filming of his movie 8 Mile, when he was on set 16 hours a day and could not sleep. 

After being given an Ambien he sought out a prescription, and became hooked on the pills.

This soon led to him taking what he calls a 'ridiculous amount' of pills - he has admitted to abusing prescription drugs Ambien, Vicodin and Valium.

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