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Thursday 1 May 2014

GADGET: Miss buttons on your smartphone? Time to add some more!

We love how smartphones have evolved over the past decade, with ever bigger screens making them better and better for checking out the web, watching your fave programmes and playing games, but you know what? Sometimes we still miss actual, physical buttons. Buttons where you don’t accidentally tap them with your ear when chatting, buttons that are always there and don’t freeze or vanish ever. And now, thanks to Dimple – an NFC strip of buttons – you can have both a big screen and hardware keys. It’s time to start having your cake and eating it!

Granted, there are only four buttons on Dimple, and they’re always going to look a bit… aftermarket… but it’s still a handy solution if you want to set up shortcuts to apps and features, and don’t want to navigate menus or look for icons onscreen.

Dimple is compatible with almost any phone, tablet or indeed phablet running Android4.0 or above – devices such as the Google Nexus 7 and Samsung Galaxy S5. HTC One (M8) fans are unfortunately out of luck though, as the metal body of the phone stops the Dimple buttons from working properly.

The buttons themselves connect to the phone via NFC. They’re also powered by NFCenergy, so there are no batteries or wires to worry about, and they can be stuck pretty much anywhere on the device. Want some home screen buttons under the screen? No problem. Or tuck them away on the back of the phone, ready to launch an app, the camera or change any settings.

The buttons also get a distinctive groove and braille bump, making it easy to recognise where they are even if you’re not looking, and helping partially sighted or even blind peopleto get the most from their phones. You can even add multiple Dimples to your phone, turning it into something with more keys than a BlackBerry!

If you’re interested, head over to Dimple’s site – the concept will be popping up on Indiegogo on 6th May, with shipping starting later on in the summer. There’s currently no word on pricing.

What would you set up the Dimple buttons to do on your smartphone?

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