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Thursday, 3 April 2014

REVIEW: Dizzy Vocalchameleon - Stop it (UK Afrobeats) by Minnie Marj. @MarjorieFiedler

I have mostly reviewed from artists based in Africa and today I have decided to do something different.

I would like for you to appreciate the good African music coming out of Europe.

They say Charity begins at home and London is currently my home.

Allow me to introduce to you today and during the next days the finest, la creme de la creme of the UK Afrobeats scene.

Dizzy Vocalchameleon is one of the most versatile and talented UK based Afrobeats artists.

He celebrated his birthday on the 27th of April and decided to give back to his fans some of the love by releasing the very catchy and funny track : STOP it.

As his name already indicates, you can hear in his songs that he is able to use different voice tones and accents. Yes he is a Chameleon indeed.

His last single Jekin Jekin feat Atumpan left no one unmoved on the dancefloor.

STOP it promises also to be a banger.

With a music genre of its own, he definitely never fails to entertain his audience.

In the Official Lyric video of Stop it, Dizzy promises to stop all his bad habits which includes "Cheating" if the girl finally gives him what he wants. "The Thing"Dizzy really? Gentlemen do you agree with this? :-)

You must be lacking of a beautiful sense of humour if you don't enjoy this song.

Stop it is funny and very creative at the same time.

Kudos to Asquared Ent. for recognising his talent by signing him to the ir record label. 

Make sure you check out his latest single Stop it.

Who said Afrobeats wasn't well represented in the UK? Please go and check your records again or discover those artists through me.

Cogito Ergo Sum

Yours truly,
Minnie Marj

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