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Monday, 28 November 2011


For some days now, rumours have been flying around that young Nigerian singer OREZI who is presently in Dubai attending a function at which he is billed to perform, was caught with drugs and is been held in custody by Dubai law enforcement authorities.

This is however untrue as his record label CULBEED MUSIC and his management in its entirety have come out to debunk the rumours. The organizers of the event he’s attending in Dubai has also given an account of events which confirms the rumours as false. The CEO Culbeed Music in his words said, “In the past few days, I’ve been bombarded with calls from friends, family and some press people about my artiste Orezi who is presently in Dubai for a performance, about some stories going round on the internet that he was caught with Cocaine @ Dubai airport. We the management of Culbeed Music are not aware of this incident and wish to state categorically that it is not true. After some period of panic, and inability to reach him, we have been able to have discussions with our artiste who is a law abiding citizen of this country. He is the most humble and clean-hearted talented young man that we are sure can never do this to himself or his family. We will find out the source of this horrendous rumour and deal with it accordingly. Thanks and God bless”.

The organizers of the event OREZI went for in the Dubai also had this to say: “This is Gmac the CEO of Syrup Music, the entertainment outfit that invited the young star Orezi to Dubai and we sincerely don't understand where this rumour about Orezi being held here in Dubai for drug related issues came from. We #TeamSyrup who brought Orezi to Dubai are totally surprised at this news and wish to confirm to you that Orezi is fine and definitely not held for anything illegal here. He was on a ride with a friend going to Sharjah and the driver, his friend was driving rough and broke traffic laws so Dubai (police) held them and Orezi was ordered to get his identification which was not with him at stoppage time, so the cops followed him to his hotel to get itand that was all. None of this happened in the vicinity of the airport as claimed in reports. I guess this is where all this rumour brewed from. We can also confirm to you that Orezi will be back in Nigeria this week. Please we should be careful with the kind of news we spread, Orezi is a great and God fearing artist who will not be involved in such crime. God bless”. In other news, OREZI has been nominated in the category “DYNAMIX MOST PROMISING ARTISTE OF THE YEAR” at the upcoming Dynamix Awards ’11.

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