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Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Chris Brown Smashes Window, Rips Off Shirt At “Good Morning America” Published by DjLanre

Oh dear. Chris Brown, you screwed up once again. TMZ is reporting that Chris Brown exploded in rage behind the scenes at Good Morning America this morning by smashing a window and storming out without a shirt on. All of this was triggered by on-air questions about the Rihanna incident.

After the interview, Brown freaked out, storming into his dressing room and screaming so loud, the people in hair and makeup became alarmed and called security. Brown was so out of control, and one source present tells us he smashed a window in his dressing room, and the glass shattered and some shards fell onto 43rd and Broadway.

Brown had ripped off his shirt and left the building (seen here in these photos), blowing off another performance he was supposed to do for the ABC website. Then on his way out of the building, Brown confronted a segment producer, got in his face and stared him down. So much for the reformed Chris Brown. What do you think of this latest incident? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Source/Socialite


  1. i just think people should leave him alone, he is only a human... noone here is perfect, what he has been thru its not easy, to come out of it
    so people askin chris about his ex is not helping, he is a great guy and a great performer people should focus on that and leave his personal life alone pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

